Friday, 4 December 2020

When It’s Appropriate to Make Fun of Flatulence

While the world is still recovering, and may be recovering for some time yet, from a pandemic that has crippled economies, made countless sick, and lead to far too many deaths, it’s important to remember that even in the darkest of times there’s always something to laugh about. WWII was another such dark time, but we here at Tuperse dug through our expansive collection of ebooks and audiobooks to find you something you can laugh about from a period that was no laughing matter.

The story concerns none other than Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party and the dictator of Germany during the second World War. Hitler, it should be mentioned, is widely recognized as one of history’s greatest monsters. Under his rule the Nazi party was responsible for some of the greatest atrocities known to human kind during WWII, leading to the deaths of tens of millions. While he caused quite a few problems for the rest of the world, the feared ruler also had some humorous problems of his own. Hitler, you see, suffered from continuous stomach issues, among a number of other medical problems, and developed a severe drug habit later on in life. The combination, reportedly, left the Fuhrer quite gassy, and, reportedly, he often suffered from bouts of uncontrollable flatulence. While his actions remain horrific, we can’t help but smile at the idea of an uncontrollably flatulent Hitler.

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